Ignatov, I., Mosin, O.V. (2015) Methods for Research of Mountain
and Melt Water as Factor of Longevity.
Chemical Composition, NES and DNES Methods for Spectral Analysis.
Effects of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Manganese,
Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol. 44, pp. 48-64.
Research of Water from Prof. Ignat Ignatov
List of scientific publications, where Prof. Ignat Ignatov is cited Topic: Water clusters, Methods for research of water, Magnetic effects on water
The most cited scientific publication of Prof. Ignatov is:
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models
Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling,
Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Research of melt water from Glacier Rosenlaui, Swiss Alps, Prof. Ignatov with collaboration of Eng. Bauer, 2015 |
Research of melt water from Glaciers, Chilean Andes, Prof. Ignatov with collaboration of Pablo Bianchini, 2016 |
Applied methods
1. First method:
Laboratory of Eurotest Control, Sofia, Bulgaria. Decree No. 9 for research of water – chemical composition, hardness, pH. There are including 32-33 indicators with standards ISO 10304-1:2009; ISO 10523:2008; ISO 11885:2009. Additionally are including – bicarbonate ions, hydro carbonate ions, potassium and mercury. Decree No. 9 is for the research of drinking and spring mountain water. Decree No. 14 is for the research of mineral water.
“The modern science is of the level to take all minerals from mountain and mineral water. If we put these minerals in deionized water we have not mineral or mountain water.” Prof. Marin Marinov
2. Second method:
To understand the “language” of the water there is measurement of the spectrum of water. These results show with local extremums the effects of all minerals and other conditions. Тhe measurements are with two methods (Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum) NES and (Differential Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum) DNES. (Prof. Antonov, 1990; Prof. Ignatov, 1998). The standard of study is accepted in peer review journals in USA, European Union and Russia with impact factor.
A convenient method for studying of liquids is non-equilibrium differential spectrum. It was established experimentally that the process of evaporation of water drops, the wetting angle θ decreases discreetly to zero, and the diameter of the water drop basis is only slightly altered, that is a new physical effect (Antonov, 1995; Antonov & Yuskesselieva, 1983). Based on this effect, by means of the measurement of the wetting angle within equal intervals of time is determined the function of distribution of H2O molecules according to the value of f(θ). The distribution function is denoted as the energy spectrum of the water state. The theoretical research established the dependence between the surface tension of water and the energy of hydrogen bonds among individual H2O-molecules (Antonov, 1995).
For calculation of the function f(E) represented the energy spectrum of water, the experimental dependence between the wetting angle (θ) and the energy of hydrogen bonds (E) is established:
where b = 14.33 eV-1
The relation between the wetting angle (θ) and the energy (E) of the hydrogen bonds between H2O molecules is calculated by the formula:
The energy spectrum of water is characterized by a non-equilibrium process of water droplets evaporation, therefore, the term non-equilibrium spectrum (NES) of water is used.
The difference ∆f(E) = f (Esamples of water) – f (Econtrol sample of water) – is called the “differential non-equilibrium energy spectrum of water” (DNES).
Thus, the DNES spectrum is an indicator of structural changes in water, because the energy of hydrogen bonds in water samples differ due to the different number of hydrogen bonds in water samples, which may result from the fact that different waters have different structures and composition and various intermolecular interactions – various associative elements etc (Ignatov et al, 2014; Ignatov et al., 2015). The redistribution of H2O molecules in water samples according to the energy is a statistical process of dynamics.
Figure 1 shows the average NES-spectrum of deionised water. On the X-axis are depicted three scales. The energies of hydrogen bonds among H2O molecules are calculated in eV. On the Y-axis is depicted the function of distribution of H2O molecules according to energies f(E), measured in reciprocal unit eV-1. Arrow A designates the energy of hydrogen bonds among H2O molecules, which is accepted as most reliable in spectroscopy. Arrow B designates the energy of hydrogen bonds among H2O molecules the value of which is calculated as:
Arrow C designates the energy at which the thermal radiation of the human body, considered like an absolute black body (ABB) with a temperature +36.6 0С, is at its maximum.
The figure 1 shows also and the local extremums in water
Figure 1. Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum (NES) of water
E=-0.1212 eV is the local extremum for the effects on the nervous system
E=-0.1212 eV is the local extremum for anti-inflammatory effect
E= -0.1387 eV is the local extremum for inhibition of the development of tumor cells of molecular level
3. Third method:
Mathematical model of distribution of water molecules according energies of hydrogen bonds (Prof. Ignatov, Ass. Prof. Mosin, 2012)
For example the research with NES method of water drops received after 3 days stay with shungite and zeolite in deionized water may also give valuable information on the possible number of hydrogen bonds as percent of water molecules with different values of distribution of energies (Table 1). These distributions are basically connected with restructuring of H2O molecules with the same energies. The standard of study is accepted in peer review journals in USA, European Union and Russia with impact factor.
Table 1. Mathematical models of water samples with shungite and zeolite
There is research with DNES method. The sample is with 1% solution of food supplements, drugs, chemical compositions and chemical elements. The result is with NES method The control sample is with deionized water and the results is with NES method. The difference between NES of 1% solution and NES of deionized water gives DNES.
Results of 1% (v/v) solution in deionized water of VITA intense
The research with the NES method of water drops is received with 1% solution VITA intense, and deionized water as control sample. The mathematical models of 1% (v/v) solution VITA intense gives the valuable information for the possible number of hydrogen bonds as percent of H2O molecules with different values of distribution of energies (Table 2 and Fig. 2). These distributions are basically connected with the restructuring of H2O molecules having the same energies.
Table 2: The distribution (%, (-Evalue)/(-Etotal value) of H2O molecules in 1% water solution of VITA intense (product of LavaVitae, Austria) and control deionized water
E= -0.1112 eV is the local extremum for relaxing effect on nervous system
E=-0.1212 eV is the local extremum for anti-inflammatory effect
E= -0.1387 eV is the local extremum for inhibition of development of tumor cells of molecular level
* The result (-Evalue) is the result of hydrogen bonds energy for one parameter of (-E)
** The result (-Etotal value) is the total result of hydrogen bonds energy
Figure 2 shows the distribution (%, (-Evalue)/(-Etotal value) of H2O molecules in and 1% (v/v) of water solution of VITA intense (product of LavaVitae, Austria) (red line) and control sample deionized water (blue line).
Figure 2: Mathematical model (Ignatov, Mosin, 2013) of 1% water solution of VITA intense (product of LavaVitae, Austria)
E= -0.1112 eV is the local extremum for relaxing effect on nervous system
E=-0.1212 eV is the local extremum for anti-inflammatory effect
E= -0.1387 eV is the local extremum for inhibition of development of tumor cells of molecular level
4. Forth method: Results with pH and ORP
There are valid the following results of pH as indicator for acid alkaline medium of the products of LavaVitae. There are the results also of ORP or Oxidation-reduction potential.
The results are for 1% (v/v) of solutions of products, which are made from deionized water. This research is performed with Ass. Prof. Georgi Gluhchev from Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS). The results of pH of deionized water is 6.05 and of ORP is 119.7. Table 3 shows the results of pH and ORP.
Figure 3 shows the dependence between the acidity and basicity (pH) solutions and the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The pH value within the interval from 3 to 10 units and the ORP within the interval from -400 mV to +900 mV characterize the area of the biosphere of microorganisms. Outside these ranges of pH and ORP the microorganisms will hardly survive.
Figure 3: The dependence between acidity and basicity (pH) of solutions and the ORP on the biosphere of micro-organisms (point 1; VITA intense), (point 2; BOOST), point 3; ZEOLITH detox).
The result of 1% (v/v) solution of VITA intense is 4.07 or acidic medium. The result of ORP is (-104.5). The result of ORP with negative charge is connected with charge with negative value, which has antioxidant and permanent antioxidant activity. In the VITA intense there are the following antioxidants – Vitamins C, E, D. Figure 3 shows the dependence between acidity and basicity (pH) of solutions and the ORP on the biosphere of micro-organisms. The result of VITA intense with point 1 with coordinates (4,07; -104.5) is the biosphere of micro-organisms. VITA intense is useful for human health also with liquid form.
The Figure 4 shows the optimal range between the acidity and basicity (pH) of electrochemically activated solutions catholyte/anolyte electrochemically activated water and the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The pH value within the interval from 3 to 10 units and the ORP within the interval from -400 mV to +900 mV characterize the area of the biosphere of microorganisms. Outside these ranges of pH and ORP the microorganisms will hardly survive. The application of the diagram is for catholyte/anolyte electrochemically activated water.
Figure 4. Range between the acidity and basicity (pH) of electrochemically activated solutions and the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP).
Conclusions and table with total results. Biophysical and biochemical effects
From the results with methods 1. 2. and 3 there is structuring of table with results and conclusions with biophysical and biochemical effects on human body.
Table 2. shows optimal chemical composition of water, hardness, local extremum eV-1 at (-0.1362–-0.1387 eV) and total mineralization of water
The results of table 2 show antioxidant effects
For contacts – mbioph@abv.bg; mbioph@gmail.com
The dose for research is 2 liters. The technical time for the study is 3 weeks.
CV of Prof. Ignat Ignatov: http://www.medicalbiophysics.bg/en/ignat_ignatov.html
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.bg/citations?user=UHnsf3MAAAAJ&hl=de
Five publications of Prof. Ignatov on the topic water with impact factor (IC) more than 30.
1. Ignatov I., Mosin O.V. (2013) Possible Processes for Origin of Life and Living Matter with Modeling of Physiological Processes of Bacterium Bacillus Subtilis in Heavy Water as Model System, Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 65-76. Impact factor 5.53
2. Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87. Impact factor 5.58
3. Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2014) The Structure and Composition of Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Mineral Shungite and Microporous Crystalline Aluminosilicate Mineral Zeolite. Mathematical Model of Interaction of Shungite and Zeolite with Water Molecules, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol. 28, pp. 10-21. Impact factor 7.17
4. Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Velikov, B., Bauer, E. Tyminski, G. (2014) Longevity Factors and Mountain Water as Factor. Research in Mountain and Fields Areas in Bulgaria, Civil and Environmental Research, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 51-60. Impact factor 5.58
5. Ignatov, I., Mosin, O.V., Kirov, P. (2016) Mathematical Model of Kangen Water®. Biophysical and Biochemical Effects of Catholyte, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol. 51, pp. 33-55. Impact factor 7.17
The total impact factor of 5 publications of Prof. Ignatov is 31.03 (Index Copernicus)
List of scientific publications, where Prof. Ignat Ignatov is cited
Topic: Water clusters, Methods for research of water, Magnetic effects of water
Esfahani, A., Reisi, M., Mohr, B, (2017) Magnetized Water Effect on Compressive Strength and Dosage of Superplasticizers and Water in Self-Compacting Concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30 (3).
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Al Shargji, F. (2020) Magnetic Water Treatment for Scale Prevention on Water Heater Elements, Environmental Engineering Theses and Graduate Student Research, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Guoin, K. (2017) Hyper-oxygenated water compositions and related methods and systems, Perfect Water Worldwide LLC, patent.
Guoin, K. (2021) Self-contained water system, Perfect Water Worldwide LLC, patent US10897920B1.
Guoin, K., Pennington, A. (2021) Vortexing chamber and system, patent US10974212B1
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Shu, L. (2020) The structure of water, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 511.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Choi, H, J., et al. (2017) Characteristics and Applications of Magnetized Water as a Green Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, 161: 908-921.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Nyemba, W. (2018) Development of an Effective Self-Cleaning System to Minimize Fouling in Heat Exchangers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Pretoria /Johannesburg, South Africa
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Kovalenko, V.F., Glazkova, V.V., Shutov, S.V. (2012) Mechanism of the Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of the Decimeter Range on the Structure of Water, Biomedical Engineering and Electronics
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Kovalenko, V.F., Bordyuk, A. Y., Shutov, S.V. (2012) Specifying the Shape of the Water Clusters, Optics of Atmosphere and Ocean, 24 (7): 601-605.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Kovalenko, V.F. (2012) Informational influence on the structure of water, Biomedical Engineering and Electronics.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Odinokin, A. (2013) Water molecule in the table theory, Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(3), 62–64.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Kovalenko, V.F., Glazkova, G.B. (2013) Influence of acoustic waves on the structural properties of water, Biomedical Engineering and electronics.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Bajukov, A.V., Bezzubtseva, M. M. (2014) Magnetic Method for Prevention of Desculation on Heat-Transfer Surfaces of Power Equipment, Magazine of Student Scientific Society, 3, pp. 6-7.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Zahvatov, G. I., Egorov, L. Y. (2014) Study of the magnetodynamic anti-scale effect, Proceeding of Kazan State University.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Ksenofontova, O. I. (2014) Investigation of conformational mobility of insulin superfamily peptides: Use of SPC/E and TIP4P water models, Molecular Biology, 48, 432-438.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Tashpolopov, A. et al. (2014) Physicochemical Features of Obtaining Coal-water Fuel, Advanced technologies and materials.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Osipovich, D. S., Genadievich, Y.S., Melnikov, S. A.(2015) Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Three-Dimensional Optical Digitization of Geometry, Scientific Review, 17; pp. 165-172.
Mosin, O. V., I. Ignatov, I. (2013) Preparation of Nanoparticles of Colloid Silver and Spheres of Their Practical Using, Moscow, Nanoengeneering, No. 5, pp. 23-30.
Zahvatov, G. I. (2015) Experimental determination of the anti-scale effect during magnetodynamic water treatment, Proceeding of Kazan State University.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Bahodurov, A. U., Popov, I. I. (2015) Wave-shaped Variations of the Dielectric Permeability of Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solutions, Future Engineers, Science.volgatech.net.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Velikov, B. (2013) Mathematical Models, Describing Structure of Water, Acknowledge, Moscow, Vol. 16. No.3, pp. 1-25.
Fedorenko, A.M. (2015) The degree of influence of the hydronium ion on the processes of hydrogen recombination in the electric double layer, State University, Crimea, Biology and Chemistry.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O.V. (2015) Water: Solid and Liquid Phases. Nano Structures in the Water in Solid and Liquid Phases, Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics, Vol. 9, pp. 82-109.
Ananieva, E. A., Fekistov, D. Y. (2016) Investigation of Application Possibility of Quasi-softening for Scale Formation Decrease, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 751.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Farashtuk, N. F. et al. (2016) Physical and Chemical Indicators of Quality of Drinking Water, Achievements of Modern Science, 11(12), pp. 153-157.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Terenkova, O. V., Koryakina, Y. P. (2016) Connection between the Level of Mineralization and Structure of Water, Medical University, Smolensk, Russia.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Sanakulov, K. S., Vorobiov, A. E., Norov, Y. D. (2017) The beginning of industrial application of nanotechnology in subsoil use, Fan, 1-496.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Abishev, A. A., Voroviov, A. E., (2017) Prospects for the industrial application of nanotechnology in subsoil use, All&Company, 1-320.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Pahomov, A.I. et al. (2017) Development of Methods for Applying Technologies for Effective Processing of Agricultural Materials using Disinfecting Preparation and Electrophysical effects, North Caucasian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Sharafutdinov, Z. Z., Krivoborodov, Y. R. (2017) Polymercement Systems for Construction of Oil and Gase Wells, Russian State University of Oil and Gas Gubkin.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Ananeva, E. A., Mesiats, E. A., Sergievskii, V. V. (2017) Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate with the Filtration of Aqueous Solutions through a Microporous Membrane, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 91, pp. 2121–2123.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Kuzmenko, A. N., Konovalchik, M. V. (2017) Increasing Environmental Safety by Reducing the Intensity of Scaling due to Magnetic Treatment of the Water Flow, State Agriculture University, Voronezh, pp. 331-336.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Ananeva, E. A., Mesyats, E. A., Sergievskiy, V.V. (2017) Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate during Filtration of Aqueous Solutions through a Microporous Membrane, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 91(11): pp. 1862-1865.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Galkin, N.K. (2017) Effect of pH Solution on Equilibrium in the Chromate-Bichromate System, (7), Youth Scientific and Technical Bulletin, pp. 33.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Velikov, B. (2013) Mathematical Models, Describing Structure of Water, Acknowledge, Moscow, Vol. 16. No.3, pp. 1-25.
Bovin, A.A., Shahovoy, V. A. (2018) Study of the Effect of Laser Radiation on the Cluster Structer of Water, Open Science 2.0: Collection of Scientific Articles, North Carolina, USA.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Korneva, O. A., Shipunov, B., P. (2018) Influence of High-frequency Field Treatment on the Tendency to Nucleation during the Formation of Crystals from Aqueous Solutions, Altai State University, Diploma Thesis.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Papunidi, K. H. et al. (2018) Applications of Sorbents for the Prevention of Metabolic Disorders and Toxicosis in Animals, Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety, Kazan, Russia, pp. 1-224.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Vorobiov, V. A. (2018) Electrical properties of Water, Federal Center.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Water Structural Models Describing Cyclical Nano-clusters, Nano and Microsystem Technique, Moscow, No.3, pp. 47-56.
Simonyan, G. S., Arytunyan, N. M. (2018) Understanding the Anomalous and Specific Properties of Water, Science and Education Today.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Danilchenko, A.S., Korotkova, T.G., Ksandopulo, S. Y. (2018) Kinetics of the Evaporation of Distilled Water when Drying a Water-Protein Mixure under Isothermal Conditions, 4(364), pp. 64-67.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Velikov, B. (2013) Mathematical Models, Describing Structure of Water, Acknowledge, Moscow, Vol. 16. No.3, pp. 1-25.
Kershengolts, B.M., Chernobrivkina, T. V. (2019) Water and Processes for Self organization of Systems, Geo, Novosibirsk, Russia, pp. 1-151.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Genel, L. S., Rudenko, V. L. (2019) Ontology of the Origin of the First DNA Molecule on the Earth, 11 (60)
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Egorovich, A. E., Gladush, A.D., (2019) Nano Engineering of Fuel and Energy Complex, Past technologies and modern innovation market, Vol. 1.pp. 1-317.
Garishin, O.K., Shadrin, V.V., Kornev, Yu. V. (2019) Mechanical Studies of Ruber Micro- and Nanocomposing for the Tire Industry, Uniaxial and Biaxial Tests, Materials Physics and Mechanics 42 (2019) 445-454.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O.V. (2014) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Nanotechnology Research and Practice, 3, pp. 141-158.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Lesnov, I. M., Petrash, V. V. (2019) Discussion Questions of Bioenegetics, Art Express, pp. 1-108.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Slizneva, T. E. (2019) Influence of Mechanomagnetic Activation of CaCl2 and Na2S2O3 Solutions on the Phase Composition of Cement Stone, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 62 (12).
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Sharafutdinov, Z. Z. (2020) Constructions of Underwater Crossings of Main Oil Pipelines by the Method of Directional Drilling, Nedra, pp. 1-357.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2011) Structure of Water and Physical Reality, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol.17, No. 9, pp. 16-31.
Gromov, B. N., Karimova, O. S. (2019) Methodology of a Systems Approach and Analysis to the Problem of Designing Prefabricated Structures in the Far North, Innovational Development, 2(29): pp. 10-14.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2012) Enigma of Ice Crystals, Consciousness and Physical Reality, Natural Science, Moscow, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 21-31.
Khashirova, S. Y. (2019) Fine Grain Concrete on Mixing Water Activated in Cavitation Permanent Magnet-Type Apparatus, Key Engineering Materials, pp. 279-284.
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Korzhakov, V., Korzhakov, A., Korzhakova, S. (2020) Methods for Determining Optimal Characteristics of Acoustic-Magnetic Devices on Greenhouse Geothermal Heating System Pipes of Various Diameters, Engineering for Rural Development,
Mosin, O.V., Ignatov, I. (2014) Basic Concept of Magnetic Water Treatment, European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 72-85.
Daukaev, A. et al. (2020) Natural mineral waters of the Chechen Republic: current usage and prospects for development, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 579, 012025.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O.V. (2015) Methods for Research of Mountain and Melt Water as Factor of Longevity. Chemical Composition, NES and DNES Methods for Spectral Analysis. Effects of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Manganese, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol. 44, pp. 48-64.
Gluhova, N. V. (2014) Methods for Research of Physicochemical Parameters of Water, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, pp. 215-219.
Mosin, O. V, Ignatov, I. (2012) Structure of Water, Chemistry, Moscow, No. 11, pp. 24-27.
Sorochenko, E., Sorochenko, V. (2015) The Inhibtion of Bifurcation Evolution of Resistance Tumor Cells Polyphenols and Lignin of Vascular Plants, Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 3(89): http://mmj.nmuofficial.com/index.php/journal/article/view/190
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V., Velikov, B. (2013) Mathematical Models, Describing Structure of Water, Acknowledge, Moscow, Vol. 16. No.3, pp. 1-25.
Goncharuk, V. V. et al, (2017) Effect of Deuterium Concentration on Structural Alterations in Aqueous Solutions, Chemistry and Technology of water, 612-624.
Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2010) The Structuring of Water, Everything for water
Brondz, I. (2016) Review: Discovering the Cluster World. Clusters’ Hidden Parameters Extraction from Thermophysical Data and The Wonders of Molecular Interactions. The Experimentally Based Molecular Interaction Features, International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography, 4(2)
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
Brondz, I. (2016) Review: Adducts and Clusters in Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry and Nature, International Journal of Analytical Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography, 4(2):27 – 33.
Ignatov, I., Mosin, O. V. (2013) Structural Mathematical Models Describing Water Clusters, Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 72-87.
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